Friday, August 8, 2014

EvaluationHelp: Here are e the original 16 models published by Sew...

A glimpse of the dawn of structural equation modeling

EvaluationHelp: Here are e the original 16 models published by Sew...: Here are e the original 16 models published by Sewall Wright in 1921 in Journal of agricultural research. Enjoy! PS: He wasn't a '...

Friday, August 1, 2014

Congrats to Harlan Tso for completing the summer REU program in our lab

REU Scholar Harlan Tso at this morning's poster presentation

A version of the poster you can read (click to enlarge)

Geodermatophilia: Biological soil crust science forum, August 6, Kan...

Geodermatophilia: Biological soil crust science forum, August 6, Kan...: Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement on their grazing plan. Previously there was a sco...