Anita Antoninka, Ph.D.

Locket Meadow 2013

Research Interests
Soil ecology, community ecology, restoration ecology, biocrusts, mycorrhizae, soil food web

Biocrust samples used
to examine mycorrhizal
 inoculum potential and
the soil food web

I am fascinated by the interface of the above- and below ground systems. The soil environment is shaped from above and from within. Understanding the interactions of soil biota with each other and with changing resources or environment are themes that come up repeatedly in my research.


Current Research
I am currently investigating methods to restore biocrusts in disturbed ecosystems. We are doing this by:
1. Learning the best ways to optimize growth, establishment and ecosystem functions in the field by modifying:1) inoculum amounts, 2) modifying habitats, and 3) enhancing soil stability.
2. Bringing biocrust organisms to the lab and greenhouse to determine how best to cultivate them as an inoculum source, and then, how best to reintroduce them to the environment.
Cleaned and crumbled lichens and
mosses to be added to bryotron.

Harlan Tso adding inoculum
to our new bryotron experiment. 
Moss crumbles ready for bryotron!

An example of the biocrust we are growing
 in the greenhouse after 4 months.
Soil stabilization using straw borders
Surface roughening
to modify biocrust "habitat"
Field inoculum experiments at Jornada
Experimental Research Station
Field inoculum experiments at Hill AFB

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